Your Life Will Improve If You Stop Caring About These 3 Things

As somebody who is very interested in the world of self-help and self-care, both from a research and a personal perspective, I think it needs to be said: there’s a lot of really terrible self-care advice out there. Like, really terrible, insidious advice that sounds like a step in the right direction when it’s actually the opposite. For this article, I rounded up three ideas or concepts that I believe have the worst impact on our overall mental health and well-being.

German UVA Students Try and Rank American Beers

If I had to name a stereotype about my country that is 100 percent true, it would be this: German people are really passionate about beer. We drink it, we cook with it, we have federal laws defining what you can and can't put in it, and we have Oktoberfest, the world's largest folk festival, which is basically just lots of people in traditional garments drinking beer out of 34 oz glasses. So yeah - we love the stuff.

4 Great Horror Movies To Watch Before Halloween

Similar to American Psycho, this is a movie that's both super creepy and funny. This is also a movie that nobody expected to turn out as well as it did, so going in without expecting anything will just make the viewing experience even better. The plot is basically this: five friends go to a remote cabin in the woods to relax and party, then bad stuff happens. That all may sound like something you've seen before, but this film is anything but generic; it turns familiar horror tropes upside down i

6 Beauty Rules To Help You Stay Under Budget & Never Get Bored

When it comes to makeup and beauty products, I have two personalities. Person A is the one who desires nothing more than to own a small, carefully-curated collection of beautifully packaged high-end products, arranged on a mirrored tray in a perfectly Instragram-worthy way. Person B is the one who enters the drugstore and exits 10 minutes later with 12 different lipsticks because hey, they were only two bucks each and look at those colors, so fun! Having oscillated between those two personalitie